Category: Blog

10:36 pm | |

Family Matters

This Sunday while I was working my sister called with the news that my brother Joe had passed away. I was caught completely off guard. Joe was my 47 year

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11:04 pm | |

Milky Way

In March of this year I lost my dear aunt Ellie. It has been difficult to process the loss. I have struggled with feelings of anger, sadness and depression. Some

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8:41 pm | |

Saguaro Lake

The sound of water can be so relaxing and I couldn't resist when Robert suggested that we spend the afternoon at Saguaro Lake. I will be the first to admit

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6:24 pm | |

Monument Valley

Ever since I watched a movie called The Eiger Sanction, I have been in awe of Monument Valley. I am not a climber myself but I love the incredible rock

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4:21 am | |

Catalina Island

With my birthday approaching Robert was determined to plan a special getaway for us. He chose the beautiful destination of Catalina Island off the coast of California. I grew up

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8:36 pm | | Comments 4

First Grandchild

I recently found out that my son Robert III and his girlfriend Alexis are expecting a baby. Veronica asked me to write down my thoughts about it. I wrote the

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6:53 pm | |

Blue Ridge Reservoir

A family day trip to Blue Ridge Reservoir on the Mogollon Rim was exactly what was needed to escape the unrelenting heat of Phoenix. The whole experience was just like

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12:08 am | |

Great-Tailed Grackle

Although summer is in full swing, my backyard has been very active like a spring morning with new chicks hatching. Yesterday I watched a Great-Tailed Grackle feed it's chick. The

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12:43 am | |

Lynx Lake

Last Saturday Robert and I headed up North to Lynx Lake in Prescott. With the heat of summer setting in the cooler temps up North beckon me to come. I

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11:30 pm | |

Gambel’s Quail

Lately on my days off I've been watching the wildlife in my backyard. I'm amazed at how many different species of birds fly into my backyard to eat and drink

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