Uintah Basin

11:05 pm | |
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Vernal, Utah located in the Uintah basin is one of those places that feel different. I always feel that the land is living and each place whether it’s a forest, desert or plain will produce a vibe. It’s a feeling deep within your spirit that can be peaceful and welcoming or eerie and strange like an awakening telling you to be cautious.
I had the feeling to be cautious of my surroundings when Robert and I were driving to McConkie Ranch. We arrived in the early afternoon. The air was warm and moist. It was partly cloudy and the longer we were there the thicker the clouds became until it started to rain with strong winds blowing with gusts up to 60 mph.
We decided to go the route of the 3 kings panel. We didn’t hear any birds singing or noises from bugs. It was complete silence. One couple was departing the trail as we were walking but other than that we were alone. I felt like we were being watched.
We were really excited when we spotted the first petroglyphs. There are so many and it would be very difficult to take pictures of all of them in one day. Some of the petroglyphs are very faint and you need to be close up to the rock to be able to see them. It was amazing and beautiful.
There were a lot of spirals carved in the rock which I found so interesting because many people believe that they indicate portals to other places. One thing is clear the petroglyphs were carved by many different people over a long period of time. You can see the differences in the style of the carvings and how some included a paint or tint to them. Also the subject matter is varied.
Unfortunately the wind and rain pushed us out sooner than we would've liked. We weren’t able to see the other side of the ranch. That just means we’re going to have to plan another trip.


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