Antelope Island State Park

9:42 pm | |
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One a recent trip to Utah my husband Robert and I decided to spend the day at Antelope Island State Park. We weren't familiar with the area and had no idea what to expect. It was an overcast day with plenty of cloud coverage and the air was also full of dust. I was surprised by that since I live in Arizona and the only time we see that level of dust is during monsoon season when the occasional haboob will sprout up.


Also surprising was how strong the winds were blowing. For the entire time we were there the winds were blowing at 30 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. This made visibility a little and photography tough. I did manage to take some pictures that turned out well.

Earlier that day I had read online that the island is home to free roaming bison and I was interested in seeing them moving about. We drove down the East Side Ranch road and we weren't disappointed. The bison were roaming both sides of the road grazing. They are constantly walking as they graze with their heads down and don't stop until they are full.


We continued driving down the road until it ended near the Southern tip of the island. I really thought I would be able to hike to Unicorn Point however I had  trouble breathing with the dust and high winds. We did walk short distances but I couldn't be outside for long periods of time breathing the dust. We drove back up the road and saw the largest gathering of bison near the waters edge. There were crowds of people gathered watching and taking pictures of the bison. A few people tried to get down in the grass and get as close as they could. I stayed back near our jeep and took some pictures. We should always remember to respect nature and not try to crowd in too close to the wildlife.

The bison weren't the only beautiful features on the Island. There were lovely views from several peaks overlooking the water. Some people were in the water and on the sand. Robert and I chose to stay on the sand and explore the area. It was a very relaxing day and the drive was only about 30-40 minutes from our hotel. The hours vary depending on the time of year and there is an entrance fee to get in. It would be a good idea the check the state parks website before you go.

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