Stop Motion

10:40 pm | |
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The concept for the stop motion video is based on part of my ethnicity. I used jelly beans to create a picture of a Yaqui deer dancer with hummingbirds on a cactus and the Yaqui flag. I was missing the black cross that goes in the center of the flag because I couldn’t find black paper to cut it out.

The colors and symbols of the flag represent:
The color red symbolizes the blood shed to protect our people, our land, our customs and our religion.

The color white symbolizes the purity of our spirit.

The color blue symbolizes the sky, where our mother, Maala Mecha and our father, Achai Taa’ah are at.

The stars represent the cardinal directions, east, west, north and south.

The moon represents our mother, Maala Mecha, the mother of all creation.

The sun represents our father, Achai Taa’ah, the father of all creation.

The black cross represents the memory of all our ancestors who have died in the many wars to protect our people, our land, our customs and our religion.

The hummingbirds represent:
The hummingbird is considered to be a spiritual bird that comes from the “Sewa Ania” Flower World and is a messenger with powerful blessing and protection.

There are many beliefs tied to the deer dancer but Yaqui people believe the Deer will guide us as we leave this earth and journey to our Heavens.

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