Horseshoe Bend

4:45 pm | |
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Most recently on social media I've seen Horseshoe Bend being featured over and over again. When I see that my natural tendency is to avoid those places because they are usually very crowded and noisy. The solitude and peace in nature is what draws me. So my plan was simply to leave in very early hours of the morning and driver there to watch the sunrise and try to avoid the heavy midday traffic of sightseers. I left home a little after 2:00 AM. I was so grateful that at that hour there is very little traffic on the freeway. It was Friday morning on Labor Day weekend so I did expect that there would be some traffic but I was pleasantly surprised.

The route I drove from Phoenix was the 17 North to I40 East then 89 North to my destination. What I did notice while driving up through Flagstaff at that time of morning were some patches with very heavy fog. The temperature dropped and there was some light rain. Driving up to any city in Northern Arizona there's a mystical kind of feel to it. The weather is definitely unique to the area and you can feel a presence of the souls long gone that once lived there. You are entering reservation land and you should do so respectfully.

The last part of my drive, the sky was getting lighter preparing for sunrise and there were beautiful clouds that appeared to be just above me. I pulled into the dirt parking lot a few minutes before 6:00 AM and there were only a few cars there. I took my time getting my backpack and water ready. I remember a friend of mine saying that I would have to walk up a big hill to get there. The sun should have been coming up at that time however due to cloud cover it was still hidden.

Walking up the hill, the air was thick with moisture as the rain had just recently passed through. I made it to the top of the hill and I thought it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I stood on the hill and surveyed the view picking out the spots I would like to hike to. I could see tourists and a few photographers with their tripods set up perched on the edge waiting to capture the perfect photos and selfies. So I walked around them and to the right. There was an open area with no one around. I set down my backpack and stopped. I closed my eyes and breathed in the air. I let the wind blow on my face and in my hair and listened to its sound.

I opened my eyes and looked down to Horseshoe Bend. My goodness it was breathtaking. The canyon walls were still a little dark due to sun not being out yet. Even so, the water was still very dark blue. I could see mossy areas just beneath the surface of the water. I could see all on the lines and grooves on the canyon walls and I could hear birds off in the distance. The clouds above the Horseshoe were amazing. The sun peeked out of the clouds and created gorgeous shadows on the canyon walls and in the surrounding canyon area.

Horseshoe Bend

More people started to arrive and I decided it was time to move again. This time I headed around to the right. I climbed up and over some boulders to get to another area of solitude. I sat down for a while just to be cleansed in my mind, body and spirit. I can not tell you how peaceful it was. I took some photos and walked and climbed, then entire time I was by myself. When I have these moments alone in nature I can feel myself smile from the inside out.

Although it was a cooler day outside due to cloud cover and rain I want to say that the environment there would get very hot on a regular day and that you should always remember to hydrate your self before hiking and during your hike. After I finished hiking I started to make my way back to my car. Now I could feel the steepness of the hill. It was at this time that the sun came out and that added a bit of heat to the mix. After making it to the top of the hill again, it was an easy walk the rest of the way to my car.

All in all the drive in each direction for me was almost 4 hours for a total of 8 hours. I stayed at Horseshoe Bend for 3 hours exploring and then headed into town for a bite to eat before heading home. It was a nice day trip for me but I think that next time I'll stay a few days so that I can enjoy it longer. There are so many places to visit in Northern Arizona I definitely won't be at a loss for things to do.

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