First Grandchild

8:36 pm | | Comments 4
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I recently found out that my son Robert III and his girlfriend Alexis are expecting a baby. Veronica asked me to write down my thoughts about it. I wrote the letter below to my unborn grandchild. The photo for this post is me with my son Robert III when he was a little boy.


To my unborn grandchild,

After your father shared the news of your expected arrival with me, I began thinking a lot about you.  Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like your father or mother? Would we be able to see your personality right away? So many thoughts flowed through my mind about you.  I sometimes wonder what influence I would have on you and what my hopes and dreams are for your life.
I hope you have your Father's emotional strength & toughness and his work ethic.
I hope you have your Mother's spirit of dedication and devotion.
I hope you have your Grandmother Veronica's spirit of faith and love of God and family.
I hope you have your Uncle Ryan's spirit of joy and happiness.
I hope you have your Uncle Andrew's thirst for knowledge
I hope you have your Aunt Elizabeth's free spirit and love of song
I hope you have your Great Grandmother Sheila's spirit of caring and concern
Proverbs 13:22 says in part "a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children...."  I pray to God that he blesses me to leave an inheritance to you. In the meantime, I will love you and support you from the moment you are born.  Giving you the benefit of the wisdom I have gained throughout my years.
Deuteronomy 4:9 says “only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children—
I pray God protects you until you are born, delivering you to us healthy and happy so that I can begin to show you the love that I have for you.
Granddad Robert


  1. Tiffany Wimbish says:

    This is absolutely precious! Congratulations. I pray for a healthy smooth pregnancy and delivery.

    1. veronica602 says:

      Thank you T, We appreciate you!

  2. Nana says:

    Beautiful letter. Very heart felt. I pray you all welcome a healthy happy baby. I hope the pregnancy goes well. This baby will be loved by everyone including us. Love Nana and Ben

    1. veronica602 says:

      Thank you mom! We love you!

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