Blue Ridge Reservoir

6:53 pm | |
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A family day trip to Blue Ridge Reservoir on the Mogollon Rim was exactly what was needed to escape the unrelenting heat of Phoenix. The whole experience was just like the commercials advertising for people to visit the forest or one of those SUV ads where the family is all loaded up in the car going on an adventure. The kids were on their phones watching the latest viral sensation. Then suddenly we pull off the highway onto the access road, the jarring of the car from the unpaved path forced their eyes from their screens to the windows.

The size of the trees with their green and brown leaves captured and held their attention long enough for us to reach the first point that the reservoir can be seen from the road. “Wow, that’s so beautiful”, words you would expect from a teenager looking at a dress or a social media post, but that was the reaction Veronica and I got from the backseat to the sun illuminating the water and surrounding trees. I pulled over and the best amateur photographer in the world, my wonderful wife Veronica, took out her camera and snapped some great pictures.

We drove ahead to the parking area, unloaded our gear and hiked down to the waters edge. We weren’t the only family that had the idea of seeking cooler surroundings but we were able to carve out a spot on the shoreline. The water was cold at first touch but refreshing. Like young people do, our kids jumped straight in after getting used to the temperature. A nice picnic lunch and laughter made the afternoon drift into evening effortlessly.

As we hiked back to our car to head home, I looked at my lovely family and thanked God for blessing us with such a beautiful place to spend time together with no electronics needed.

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