Lynx Lake

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Lynx Lake

Last Saturday Robert and I headed up North to Lynx Lake in Prescott. With the heat of summer setting in the cooler temps up North beckon me to come. I made no argument and asked Robert if he'd like to come with me. He is always on board with my adventurous suggestions.

We parked outside of the Lynx Lake Cafe and headed inside for some breakfast before kayaking. We both decided to try the German pancakes. I was told they are similar to crepes. After eating them I know I would prefer crepes instead. The view from the dining room was lovely. The lake was in full view and there were hummingbird feeders hanging outside of the large picture windows. There were as many as five humming birds on each feeder at a time. It was so nice to watch them as we finished breakfast.

The cafe was buzzing with hungry diners and people looking to rent a boat. We headed over to the rental desk and asked for a tandem kayak so that we could paddle around together on the lake. After putting on our life vests we got into the kayak and launched into the water.

It was a little bit tricky trying to get our paddling synced up. Finally we made it to the center of the lake and then we relaxed. I was really peaceful and quiet. We watched the ducks dive under the water searching for food. I was amazed that they could swim so long under the water and then pop up on the surface in a completely different place.

The breeze felt so nice blowing across the water. The sky was filled with large, fluffy clouds that covered the sun and made the temperature seem cooler than it was. It's no wonder that the campground at the lake was very crowded. I was surprised that it wasn't crowded on the lake. We were able to make our way around the lake without running into anyone. It was a wonderful day on the lake with my husband and it was a great escape from the heat.

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