Prescott, AZ

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img_7977I have always wanted to explore the hiking trails in Prescott and fortunately for me, my mother recently moved to Prescott Valley. At least once per month I head up North for some family time and to explore. Over the summer months I definitely head up more often. My first hike in Prescott was Wolf Creek Falls Loop Trail #384 and the second was Goldwater Lakes Trail #396. I've also been able to hike several shorter trails along Watson Lake. img_1552

The Wolf Creek Loop Trail was a little over 5 miles total in length. There were a few steep sections along this hike but it was deep in the forest and I was surrounded by huge pine trees. I was alone on this trail until I was about 3 miles where the trail crosses the road and starts again on the other side. Two young ladies were starting the trail at this point and asked me if it the hike was worth it. That was a little funny to me because I guess it would depend on the reason you're hiking to know if it would be worth it for you. To me it was absolutely worth it. img_8019

While I'm hiking I do take my time and stop to look around and stop for photos of nature. So during the times that the trail winds downward often times I jog down to kind of make up for the time I spend stopped. One the last mile of the trail I was doing just that when out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash ahead of me on the trail about 50 feet away. I stopped and looked up and it was a herd of deer crossing the trail. They are so quick and graceful I just stood there with my mouth opened watching them run across the trail. Sometimes you can't take photos, you just need to be present in the moment and appreciate what you're experiencing. I finished my hike and think I floated the rest of the way back to my car. It's the simple things in life that make my heart happy and that made me thrilled.

img_1672I hiked Goldwater Lakes Trail #396 at 6:00 AM on the 4th of July. There was a slight coolness in the air and the sun was just starting to rise so there was plenty of shade on the trail. This is a multi use trail and there were just as many bikers on the trail as there hikers. Even at 6:00 AM there were quite a few people out. The trail is gorgeous and I can see why there were so many people out. The towering green pine trees and birds singing felt magical. I greet everyone I see on the trail and everyone was very gracious and friendly. Especially when the mountain bikers had a group with them they'd let you know to be careful of the others coming though. img_1556

There was an area with a pool of water with what looked like a meadow with wildflowers growing around it. Then there were areas with plateaus to look out over the forest and take in the beautiful views of Goldwater Lake. This trail is 4.5 miles in each direction however you can connect with other trails and extend your hike. It's easy to forget how much elevation you're losing on the back end of the trail until its time to hike back out. I finished my hike and was back to my car by 1:00 PM. It was time to go so I could get ready to enjoy some family time and head out to downtown Prescott for the fireworks show later that night. I plan to do more exploring in Prescott over time.

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