Family Matters

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This Sunday while I was working my sister called with the news that my brother Joe had passed away. I was caught completely off guard.

Joe was my 47 year old half brother. We have the same father but different mothers. When I was a small child I didn't know I had a half brother. His nickname was Junior. I was 23 when I met him. My half sister Gina (Junior's sister) and their mother Rosemary drove to California to pick me up and bring me back to Arizona.

From that weekend I stayed at their house for a few months. Junior was about 20 years old and his daughter Diana had just been born. It was a really good and strange feeling getting to know my sibling for the first time. I remember having food fights throughout the house where we all grabbed food out of the fridge making a huge mess. We all acted just like kids.

But one of the memories that is closes to my heart is when I first moved back to Arizona. I didn't have any money or a job. I had a job interview and nothing to wear. Rosemary called my dad to ask him if he could help me. My dad said no. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Out of no where Junior came to me and put $50 in my hands.

I was able to find a dress and shoes to wear to my interview and I got the job. If it wasn't for his generosity I don't know what I would have done. Junior never asked for the money back and he never mentioned. I'm not sure if he ever knew how much I appreciated what he did and how it touched me. I love him for that.

Junior went to sleep and never woke up. It's been hard to accept that he is no longer with us. I do take comfort in knowing that he is in Heaven and I will see him again one day. Until then I will replay the memories of him in my mind.

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